About us

About us

Better Living Foundation idea

Bangladesh has already achieved the primary qualifications of being a developing country. But still about 30 million people are living below the poverty line. In addition, a large section of the society is still deprived of basic rights apart from health, education and employment.

The current budget of Bangladesh is about 6 lakh crore rupees. In 2008 it was 90 thousand crore rupees. Even though the size of the budget has increased so much, the benefits of this budget are not reaching the majority of the people.

But if these increased wealth and opportunities are not distributed among the mass people in an equitably and dynamic way, otherwise, if the people’s right to wealth is not confirmed, people may deprived of fundamental rights despite wealth. Ironically, in spite of the significant increase in exports, foreign investment, expatriate income, food production, inequality among people in Bangladesh is increasing alarmingly due to lack of equitable distribution.

We have started the work of establishing a social welfare organization as a supporting force of the government with the objective of playing a role in reducing this inequality and spreading the created resources and opportunities among the disadvantaged people. Our organization has played a role in creating opportunities for the people of this country to live a better life.

Bangladesh has now entered the golden age of the “Population Dividend”, which is 85% of the population between the ages of 15-64. If this population is not educated and healthy in vocational education, then this population will not be able to become human resources, that is, Bangladesh will lose the opportunity to become a developed country. The organization’s goal is to turn this massive population into human resources and to help bring the growing resources and opportunities to the people in a balanced way. That is why the name of the organization has been changed to “Better Living Foundation (BLF)”.

Most of the people in this country want to play a role in establishing a balanced society but they may not be able to do so due to a lack of opportunities. BLF will play a role in creating that opportunity for them. In other words, BLF will work simultaneously to distribute the resources of the state and the individual in a balanced way among all.

BLF will mainly work with 4 sectors. They are,

Ø  Technical & vocational education.

Ø  Facilitate healthcare services.

Ø  Journey of inclusion.

Ø  Socio-economic catalyzing.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)